Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hello World!

 Hello I am Yheketen, a lover and watcher of media who has finally decided to try and make some. I am very passionate about my interests and I have strong opinions on them. The greatest sin a piece of media can do in my eyes is be boring. I prefer a bad movie or book over something generic anytime. There is so much more to talk about even if its a dumpster fire of a movie. My favorite franchises follow this principle, I really love anything DC, (my favorite character is red hood), TMNT, league of legends, and Lego shows and movies. All of this have very highs but so many lows, I love them but  I love to hate them.

In my spare time I play a lot of games, my favorite one right now is God of War Ragnarök, I draw, I dance and I really like reading. I love superhero and ninja comics specially when they are ridiculous, but my taste of novels are total opposites. I am a fan of anything jane Austen(She truly is the best at satire),gothic horror, mythology and history books. By far my favorite hobby is learning about my interests. I'm not a surface level person, if I have strong feelings about something, I will learn everything I can about it and if people let me I will talk about it for hours. Analyzing and talking about media makes me happy.

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