Tuesday, December 5, 2023

feedback and new game plan


On Friday, my group and I were able to show the reference cut of the film. We got a lot of feedback and so we made a plan to fix the issues over the weekend

From the video editing side of things, the one major feedback was that the title card  didn't reflect the tone of our movie. Which looking back is true as our original title card was more delicate and sophisticated. For that our video editor fixed that problem by adding a bolder font. The font is also less formal and more cartoon like which fits the tone of our film more

The original title card

The new version with a bolder font

Something that confused the watchers of the film was the fact that the opponent who wins changes clothes through halfway. This was intentional from our group part as we wanted to show a change of character between the first half and the second. Her wearing less color and new accessory and makeup represents how serious she is taking the game. We wanted to make the comedy be zany and unexpected, so we thought it would be a funny idea to have the character change out of nowhere. But as a viewer it is pretty confusing, especially cause there is no hints or physicals act of the clothes' changes. If we could go back I would have most likely had the character put on the black jacket dramatically or scratch the idea completely.

The major feedback about sound design I got was that the first song didn't match. Which was true, it was too loud and too fast. Our instructor described it as an "Irish Jigg" which now that he said it I  can't stop thinking about it as. So my first priority was finding a better song. Another critique was that some of the sounds weren't smoothly transitioned, specially the chess piece sound and the change from the "Irish Jigg" to rock. A big thing that I realized though I don't remember if anyone said anything about was that over all the volume was too high.

And I think the reason why is that I had my computer low the whole time I worked on the sound, and I never tried it full volume. So from my perspective things sounded softer and I didn't realize that, until the screening. Well that's a lesson on how important volume is, something as little as the volume of my device caused me to have such a different view of it.

After all of this, it was time to wait to get the real final edit and then finish my side.

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