Friday, February 9, 2024

Figuring out the details

My idea

I had an idea, and I started by drawing little sketches of scenes that I imagined we could have. At this point in my mind, I thought of a young man who does insect taxidermy, and he has all of them mounted on walls in his house. The frames obviously being taken care of and were the only things on the wall to show how much his interest was part of his life. A way to show the character better with limited time would be to go into a place they live in, as decoration tells a lot about people and so I thought it would be an interesting idea. But it's something that isn't on our budget and couldn't be possible.

Because the original idea was about insect transformation, I got the idea that the introduction of the film could start in media res. The first minute giving hints of the transformations, with use of shadows and destruction around a dark mysterious creature that you could only see hints of what happening. Insect noises, screams, and deep cello would play. Then we would cut to the beginning and use the rest of the time as an introduction to the character. Our character is an obsessive man who longs to feel normal and likes his routine. That's why in the first draft there was the idea of him going through his morning routine in a way that showed that it’s such a common occurrence for him that he wouldn’t realize it.

This was my original idea that I shared with the groups, another problem with this idea was how cheesy it could be. Our director didn't want to do something overdone and was worried about the fact that this was supposed to be the first two minutes and setting up the rest of the movie.
My little sketches


The more plausible idea 

The director gave the idea of mixing elements with mine which evolved into the character going through their morning routine, and the idea of showing that it's something he knows by hand stuck. That routine gets interrupted right as soon as he goes to read about insects through a call from his phone. This takes Him completely out causing him to be a mess. The next scene then happens where he is at a coffee shop journaling about cicadas when a waiter comes one and tries to talk to him, which takes him out and the film goes as long as the cut off point for 2 minutes after that.

This idea was the one we decided on after some talking to each other. The only part I see this idea having problem, is the coffee shop but both the director and editor said they could figure it out and I trust them to do it.


Sadly, when it comes to doing films, a budget is a real and worrying thing. Sometimes the creative vision is too much and though I will miss the bug transformation and taxidermy wall, they had to go to make a more plausible project. Film making is all about compromising. Compromising with other people in the group or with the available material. Any creative venture is like that and it's important to understands.
This is what the character is going to be intensively doing.

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