Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Camera Shots

Still from Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper,September 28,2004 that uses a low angle to convey the power of the character.
Still from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:The Movie, August 5,2022 that uses distance to show the conflict.

Still from The Devil Wears Prada, June 30 2006 that uses a low height to learn about the character through their shoes.

Still from High School Musical 3: Senior Year October 24,2008  that depicts an off level shot to convey personal conflict.

This is a still that uses a low angle to conveys the strength of a character.

This is a still  that uses an uneven level to show character.

This is a still that uses a low height to depict the conflict and character.

This is a still that uses close distance to convey a character.

This assignment was fun to do, but my models were very lacking. On all photos it was a losing battle to get them to stay still. My dogs thought that the photoshoot was a cuddle session and so they decided they wanted to eat the hand of the camera instead. Which influenced me on my choice of the distance still as having the camera far away was not going to be possible. But I’m very happy with my distance shot as I feel like it conveys the personality of my dog so well. My cat was uncooperative too but in the less cute cuddle way and the more knife for paws way. But this was also a happy thing as it gave a strong sense of personality. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to only show the shoes and the paws, but I didn’t end up going with that photo as it looked like the cover of an indie album that has no reason just that it looks cool. The whole reason why I chose my animals for my photo were because it added more emotion, and the indie album look-alike went against that. The still that gave me the most problems in terms of technical aspect of it and not just my models not being able to understand English was level. As it was difficult for me to do a level still without subconsciously doing another type and then having to figure out which one is the one that fits the requirement by just staring at the photos for a while. Other than the level still, this assignment was less stressful than the last one but that might also be that I used HW as a way to take photos of my pets.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Mise en scene


Still image that depicts contrast from The Batman, March 4, 2022.
Still image that uses color for guidance to viewers from The Hunchback of Notredame, June 21, 1996.
still image that uses size to guide viewers attentions is from Turning Red, March 1, 2022.

Still image that uses frontality for guidance from Knives out, November 27, 2019. 

Still image that uses contrast to guide the viewer.

Still image that uses color to guide the viewer.

Still image that uses size to guide the viewer.

Still image that uses frontality to guide the viewer.

One of the biggest challenges in this assignment was making sure that the aspect required for each picture was not overtaken by another. Frontality was one that had this big issue as all three of the dolls that I chose had neon colors but two of them had monochromatic colors causing more attentions to them specially they very bright pink of one of them. To overcome the colors, I decided to have the front character in a more dynamic pose which brings attention to the fact that the doll is in front of the other. The biggest challenge was the fact that contrast is a very wide aspect, and a lot of things could bring contrast. It was very challenging for me to show contrast but not reuse the ideas of the other elements. I tried to play with texture or different materials, but it was difficult to take a photo as it felt that everything blended. But then I remembered about a small black light lamp that I have which was the perfect thing. I was very happy of the contrast between the two characters with the neon lights. In Hindsight I wished that I would have been able to use a different background that wasn’t so plain, to exaggerate the different elements, specially for the color still image. Taking photos outside in an environment like a garden would have made the still better. thing I am satisfied with is the different poses of the dolls which were a pain to do as one little movement, and everything would topple which was the only frustrating part of this assignment.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Rules of thirds

A two figure photo that does not follow any of the rules.

A photo that follows the rules of thirds to suggest agreement.

A photo that follows the rules of thirds to suggest
One figure photo that disregards the vertical line.
One figure photo aligned with a  vertical line.

A photo that follows the rules of thirds to suggest conflict

For the image that suggest agreement it was very important that the body language and the composition would show friendliness as figurines cant change their face expressions and both of them are stuck in a grumpy determined look. For the composition  I made them do a fist bump as its  a friendly action and its a good focal point inside the middle square. This means that the fist bump will be one of the first things someone will see, affirming the friendly nature of the photo. Because they are figurines their arms don't move as far as normal humans but that wasn't a problem as I put them as close I could so they could be inside the middle square to show that they are in the same page. For this to happen i had to make them bump with different hands which also made them be more open to the camera with their body language showing a bit of trust with each other.
The LEGO Batman Movie, February 10, 2017
This is one of the final scene that come after Batman having a big revelation about what family is, what he is willing to sacrifice to keep it and the fact that everything is not about him. The rule of third is used here to show the bond and character development. Batman and Robin are in the middle square putting focus into their father-son relationship which is one of the focal points of the movie yet the rest of the family is still shown but not in any of the hots spots. Batman is separated from the rest of the family by the right vertical line showing that fact, that there is separation because of future sacrifice. Batman over all take a lot less space of the frame, and his eyes are not aligned which drive home the fact that the moment is not about him.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Hello World!

 Hello I am Yheketen, a lover and watcher of media who has finally decided to try and make some. I am very passionate about my interests and I have strong opinions on them. The greatest sin a piece of media can do in my eyes is be boring. I prefer a bad movie or book over something generic anytime. There is so much more to talk about even if its a dumpster fire of a movie. My favorite franchises follow this principle, I really love anything DC, (my favorite character is red hood), TMNT, league of legends, and Lego shows and movies. All of this have very highs but so many lows, I love them but  I love to hate them.

In my spare time I play a lot of games, my favorite one right now is God of War Ragnarök, I draw, I dance and I really like reading. I love superhero and ninja comics specially when they are ridiculous, but my taste of novels are total opposites. I am a fan of anything jane Austen(She truly is the best at satire),gothic horror, mythology and history books. By far my favorite hobby is learning about my interests. I'm not a surface level person, if I have strong feelings about something, I will learn everything I can about it and if people let me I will talk about it for hours. Analyzing and talking about media makes me happy.