Sunday, November 5, 2023

Film portfolio

The film portfolio was definitely the hardest part to work on. The decision making was easy, we had a plan, but the problem was execution of the plan. For the most part it went well, on my side I did all my things without any problems. Our editor didn't have too much to do right now but did help when they could, our cinematographer had all the ideas ready, and our director was really organized and tried to make sure everything went as planned. 

The problem zone happened when it came to actually putting all the cinematography in the portfolio. Our cinematographer got locked of their account as they forgot to change their password. And though we already had talked about all the types of shots we wanted and there was a pretty clear idea on what we were going to do, our cinematographer couldn't actually put anything in the official document. 

We figured out how to get over that by them doing the shot list in their notes app and doing the story board in paper based on the notes and then taking a photo of it. The ones who had access to the document would type in what they did, which worked but it took a long time and parts were missing. But then we ran into another problem which was the formatting of the original version of the shot list was all messed up.  The formatting caused even more time delays as weird stuff kept happening. 

Old format

We were on a time crunch and our director decided that we couldn't continue fighting against the weird formatting issues. So, a decision was made, and we made our own format that was easier for us to understand and work with. We didn't want to stop using the original document as that was what was given to us to use, and we had already put so much time into it but changing it was better overall. It took extra time to copy everything again into the new format, but we knew it was going to be worth it as the new personalized format will let us work faster when filming. 

New format

In the end even with everybody working together, we turned the portfolio late. It was a sad thing but at least we turned in something we were happy with and one we would use. 

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