Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Pick ups


This is it

The final last day to finish filming. With the to do list ready, our group was prepared to get everything done.

thankfully unlike  the other productions days, the weather was not a factor for us to overcome. The weather was pretty nice, mild without any rain or a bright sun which was quite a relief. So without any weather obstacles we started as quick as possible.

Productive day

We got everything we wanted to do. Most of the shots we did were actually from the beginning and from the very end. Some of the shots were planned from the beginning of the script but others were shots created after seeing the rough edit and realizing that some needed to be replace.

originally our title card was the two characters shaking hand but once the edit happened the group agreed that  the handshake was taking too long  and the title card being on top was too distracting. So the first shots we took was the top view of the chess board as a title card and a quicker handshake.

The reason for these two shot created first was because the next shots we wanted to do needed accessories and cosmetics. It was more efficient to leave those to last so we wouldn't  have to take time doing changes.

The Bandanna shot

The hardest shot of this day was actually the one that needed the costume change. From the beginning of the script it was planned that there would be a scene were extras came in with a bandanna and war paint to put it on the main character. I got in charge of putting the bandanna and our cinematographer put the make up on. Originally someone else was supposed to put the make up on but they were having difficulty putting it straight. We had to redo this shot around 3 times and it took a long time to set up after each one. Another problem was that we couldn't stop laughing, as soon as one person cracked up, everybody went down.

In the end  it was decided that our editor would just cut the laugh and speed up the clip so it didn't look as clunky as real life.

The List

In the end we did a lot and had fun at the same time. The preplanning really did help give an idea of what things we needed to do. We weren't too stressed about if we were missing shots and took less time setting shots up. But we also didn't strictly follow the list as we filmed we realized that some of the shots listed weren't necessary, and we liked the film without them. We didn't force ourselves to follow the plan, it was really good way to keep on track but we didn't wanted to stifle our enjoyment and creativity while in the filming process.
    This was our lists by the end of the day, the green checklist meant what we had done,

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