Monday, February 26, 2024


Example of Scratches
Intrusive thoughts becoming corporeal is an important part of my film, as it is the main conflict that the character goes through.

When it came to the intrusive thoughts manifesting in the film I was directly inspired by arcane. Specifically, the character Jinx. Jinx often talks to herself as if someone else is there. The show depicts it as in a way that there is someone else there. But it is truly her thoughts and traumatic past that cause her to argue with her own thoughts as if she was arguing with someone else.

These conversations show up presented by people from her family that had died in an accident she blamed herself on, yet she tries to forget them but thoughts wont. The hallucination depicts the fact that jinx mind is split, as she is not sure of her actions, causing her thoughts to question her.

Something unique about arcane is the fact that the show uses a combination of 2d and 3d animation. Characters, objects, and some settings are modeled in 3d while effects like smoke and objects that are far away are digitally added in with 2d animation. Giving the show is unique animated style of looking like a painting.

Jinx hallucination uses this unique technique as the characters have 3d rendered models but 2d animations are overlayed on top of them like children's drawings.

The scenes where this happens are powerful as they give a In-depth look into jinx fractured minds

Examples of Scratches

In this scene jinx has just learn information that affects her life a big way. She is distraught and how she processes this information is through talking to herself. The model and scratches come often, they do not speak but jinx talks and reacts to them as if they were real. Showing how disjointed her mind is.

My character intrusive thoughts will visually resemble the 2d animated parts of Jinx thought, but there will be some big differences. My character intrusive thoughts will talk which will make them more tangible, something that the audience can also hear not only the character. The sound they will make will be stronger as when jinx’s thoughts come into frame low whisper and almost slicing knives sound comes with them too. The intrusive thoughts of my movie will make more potent sounds, sounds someone cannot ignore.
Example of Scratches
Arcane is a masterpiece of knowing how to give its narrative and characterize their character without explicitly telling. The Scratches in arcane represent and do a lot of things, they aren't just nuisances but aa part of Jinx. They depict her pass, her present, her thoughts and what's happening around her. They are a source of pain to her, and they are created from her pain. Arcane can depict this with few words and imagery. Something I will take notes as I move on in my production as the scratches do not always show up when they do, they strengthen the moment.

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