Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The part of sound design no one thinks about

Sound design isn't just music, there are a lot of parts of sound design that won't be even thought about from the viewpoint of the viewer and that's the point. Sound design also involves sound effects, ambiance, and dialogue. For these parts the job of a sound designer is to make sure everything matches and blends into the movie, almost as if they were recorded while making the film.

Foley sound

In film production while filming almost no sound is recorded except the dialogues might seem impossible but from the footsteps to ice shaking, these sounds are added in post-production. Especially as silent props are usually used to minimize any sound that happens when actors use them.

To get these sounds, sound designers have to make the sound that would make the objects, this is called foley. And it might look over complicated as it might be easier to record the sounds that are in the set. But sounds in a set are very different and don't react the same compared to real life. To make it seem real, it's made artificially.

In a thriller movie it's especially important to know these techniques as it allows the sound designer to emphasize or exaggerate certain sounds. Like the footsteps of a character running from the danger or is the danger and so the footsteps become foreboding.

How Noiseless Props Are Made For Movies And TV Shows | Movies Insider | Insider
This video shows different way silent props are made, the sound they create and then a comparison to the real thing.


Footsteps are a good source of ambiance. Ambiance is the environment's atmosphere in the film. Ambiance can characterize a setting and a production. For example, the office,2005 is of course set in an office, and there are certain sounds that viewers expect to hear in such a setting like phones ringing, typing, writing in pen and a general overlay of sounds that indicate business. Yet the office doesn't sound like a normal office, there are too many quiet moments where people should be working and yet there is no sound. But this works causes even though it isn't realistic, it makes the viewer feel awkward and it follows the humor of the show. This precedent is set in the first 5 minutes of the show.

Comparably in thriller background noises can be exaggerated which can unnerve the character and the viewer just the same, setting the eerie ambience.

Footsteps | How Movie Sounds are Made. An Inside Look at the World of the Foley Artist.
A look into the process of making foot step sounds.
The First 5 Minutes of The Office - The Office US


One of the most important aspects of a film is dialogue as it usually is how the plot is given to the audience, its characterization and in general where most of the script is. So sound designers have to make sure that the dialogue can be heard at all times, without anything impeding it, unless it's intended to be impeded. Like overlapping voices which can do the same job to show the story like any dialogue could. Yet they still must be balanced and not overpower each other if the story wants to have a balanced argument.

"We Fight About Fighting About Fighting!" | Community
This clip shows a lot of different fights that all starts with balance between the argument, until the story demands for one character to over take the others in volume.


While researching and learning, it's become clear that a sound designer's task is to ensure that all those different sounds of ambience, dialogue, music and sound effects fit into the movie in a balanced way. In a way balance is the key and it's difficult to fully do, not only in sound design but in general. In my last project, I had difficulty balancing the volume of the music; my first draft was way too loud. It took a lot of testing, but I got to a level where I was happy with it. This film asks for even more balance as it has all aspects of film production compared to my last which didn't ask a lot for sound.
In this production I won't only have to balance the sounds in the film but also the responsibilities that come with it.

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