Saturday, March 2, 2024

Creation of props

My film asked for some specific props that I needed which  I had to create or specifically look for.

The Painting

The wall of paintings is a big part of the film. I wanted to get a wide arrange of paintings to represent the character’s erratic mind. This train of thought also came from the fact that with my limited resources having the paintings look cohesive would be too difficult.

Collecting the props for this film was challenging while on a budget. A lot of the paintings were created by me over the years, from people around me or I bought some of them. The production time is short and as I’m working solo creating totally unique paintings for the wall was not possible. This was the best way to get the paintings as quick as possible. It also added characterization to the character that I didn’t intend to but welcomed.

For example thanks to my sister lending some of her Rapunzel paintings the character is a fan of  Tangled,2010

The character also likes Avatar The Last Airbender, 2005 now thanks to my friend Eri's blue spirit painting, who gifted it to me.

Then there are the ones I created, some are totally original, and others are fan art I have done of things I personally like.

For example, a redraw of a shot from Pride and Prejudice 1940.

A painting of Red Hood from DC comics

And then ones that I bought from goodwill, which were the most detailed and had the prettiest fames, so I put them closer to the center.

The main painting

The main painting was the only one I created for the movie. I didn’t have anything in my old paintings, and I didn’t want to ruin a painting that wasn’t mine. So, I took time to create the painting. The goal of the painting was to have a calm a serene scene. As I’m not the best with landscape so I took inspiration from landscape that I thought were very calming.

Especially from Ghibli studio an animation studio whose landscapes involve bright colors, colorful flower, soft skies, and comfy looking cottages.

the sevret garden in Howls moving castle,2004

The creation of this painting took around 6 hours and I have some in the work photos.

The Paint supplies.

Finally, all the paint supplies and easel were mine that I used regularly. A prop that I would have wanted a better replacement would have been the paint palette. A classical palate would have been better in a lot of different ways. For recording because it would have stayed flat and the paints would have shown better in the film. It would also have been a good characterization as it shows that she is serious about painting

In the end, I used the props that I could get, some weren’t ideal and weren’t what I pictured. Some added extra details that I didn't meant to but i welcomed. Its all about using to your advantage the available resources  you have. 

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