Friday, March 1, 2024

Fundamentals of animation put into action

After learning about the fundamentals of animations and about the program I am going to be using it was time to dive into practicing animating.

for my first animation I decided to do something simple and that I was familiar with. So, I drew a girl that
was inspired by an artist called pidgin dolls which consequently is inspired by fashions of the 1920s. Her Black and white color palette was simpler to continuously draw and not worry about changing colors. I didn't want to pay attention to it as my focus was on the animation itself. I thought it would be simpler if instead of a whole body it was just the features of the face that I would animate. This first test was great because I figured out a lot about the app while doing something simple.

For example, for a while I first moved a frame individually but while working on the eyes, I had separated the eyes and the eyebrows into two animation layers and moving them was really tiring. in the app it doesn't say if there is any alternative on how to move multiple frames together at the same time, so I went through the tiring process throughout animating. Until I decided that it was taking too long and that there should be a better way to move the frames. So, I started looking into it. And lo and behold there was a way to do it by grouping the frames together. I'm so happy I figured this out while doing a simpler animation compared to others.

My next animation practice is closer to the concept of my film. I wanted to put the style i had thought of in my head onto paper. This animation is more expressive and has a lot of movement. Creating this one was difficult, I had problems figuring out the timing of the reaction. It first felt like it was too fast at the beginning and the big explosion moment wasn't exaggerated enough. It was an issue that it was missing the slow in and slow out concept. When I figured that out I added more frames to the beginning making the reaction more believable.

These practices helped me think about how the fundamentals worked. I am now less worried about the animation section of my film. There were a lot of bumps while working and it took me very long to do it. I'm new to the medium and I still haven't found good process to follow. But It has started my journey

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