Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Filming day 3

It was the final day to record, and I had a planned setup already. On the final day, I planned to have the least number of shots. I expected the horizontal arc shot would take the longest out of the rest. Originally there were a lot fewer shots where I was supposed to do but on the last filming day, I had unforeseen trouble with a shot.

The horizontal arc shot was a type of shot I had never tried before; it had a lot of different aspects that I was worried about. One was the movement, in an arc shot the camera circles a character. The movement made it hard to keep the subject in frame while being steady. This was specifically because I didn't have the correct equipment for the shot.

In professional films something like a curved dolly adds stabilization and makes the shot smooth. I did not have that, instead, I had my phone on a tripod which caused the first takes of shots to move away from the subject and shaky as the tripod was very light and easy to move. How I got around this was by adding a bag of weighted objects strapped to the tripod which gave a point of center to the tripod.

After figuring out the technical parts of the shot, it was just a matter of practicing to get the timing correctly. The angle was difficult as making sure the character was focused throughout the shot was a chance of luck. Thanks to the confide space I had I couldn't view my phone while I was recording the shot. It just meant that after every shot I had to check and see how it went. This shot took me around 12 times to get it right.

Now the rest of the shots were far easier and less demanding. The Dutch shot was simple to take, and it took only a couple of tries. And my final shot which was the canvas shot meant I was done with filming.

Thanks to my plan, filming was quick to do. Setting everything up helped lessen the frustrations. During the 2nd day of filming, I became frustrated because of the shots so I deviated from the plan which made me even more frustrated. On the other hand, today I had a simple plan that I followed which kept my spirits steady and made me move quick
Curved Dolly

Horizontal Arc Shot
Horizontal Arc Shot 

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