Thursday, March 28, 2024

Rotoscoping or a Different solution

Before the fix
After the fix.

one of the biggest parts that was pointed out for me during the criticism was the outlets and spots that were distracting on the wall. I didn’t have any idea how to fix it but a friend told me that rotoscoping it could be the answer to my problem.

Rotoscoping in editing is cutting out parts of the video by tracing it. That’s a very easy simple version of what rotoscoping is. In Davinci Resolve rotoscoping isn’t too difficult for someone who is familiar with editing. This idea was reinforced as I watched a couple of videos about the subject. I quickly realized that even when videos claimed that it was for beginners, some of the language and expectations of prior knowledge were not things I knew. Still I carried on and tried the different methods that different videos had.

A Video about Davinci Resolve Rodoscoping

Yet I came upon some big difficulties that stopped me on my track. A big one was that some methods included features that only the payed version of the program had which I didn’t have. Another big one was the difficulty of color matching as thanks to the lighting the colors were varied and difficult to color match in the program. I had to take a break and start in a different aspect to think more about what I could do to solve these difficulties that were starting to frustrate me.

Taking a step back and turning my focus into the animation allowed me some time to breath and think. While animating I realized something what if I could cover it the dark spots with animation? A big problem I had was the color matching and the technical aspects that I didn’t quite understand.

This was the best solution, it was a bit out of the box but it worked really well. I was able to brighten parts of the harsher shadows, and make it seem like the outlets were never there by painting.

This whole ordeal reminded me that there is something that people aren’t good at. Each person has their own strengths and I was able to use my own in this situation. I tried the editors way and it didn’t work out yet I learned a lot generally about the program like color correcting. And then I did it my own way which I’m very happy about.

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