Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Animation

The animation process was the longest part of the production.It took 4 days of work to get 35 seconds of animation to get done.This was around 840 frames of animation.One of the reasons why it took so long was because of the reputation required for animation.Especially because the animation style of the movie is jittery, having too many of the same frames would go against it.So often times it was drawing the same movement with different pencil strokes.

This is the photos of the animation timelines

On my Procreate Dreams blog, I talked about the program I was going to use for animation. One of the big topics of the blog was the lack of Alpha lock in the program.The lack of this feature added the need to use more layers while animating which slowed down the process.This became annoying and made parts difficult like this one.

One big part of the animation was that I decided to use the color purple .The reason for this was that while doing  the animation without a color palette was too obnoxious and crowded.So I decided to cut down the colors and have a palette for the rest of the animation.Practically speaking it couldn’t be a warm color palette because the rest of movie was surrounded with warm light and colors.It couldn’t be black because of the character’s clothing and  not green or blue because the paintings on the backgrounds had a lot of those colors.So that left the color purple which brought contrast.This decision added a meaning to the color purple in the movie.It became a symbol of the intrusive thoughts of the characters.

Adding restrictions to the color palette was a good choice.Restriction brings out creativity and it caused me to think more about color placing with the contrast and matching with the rest of the film.It brought a cohesive look to the film.

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