Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sound decisions

while sound editing I made a very big decision in the beginning that changed my plans for the rest of the film . In my original plan for the sound design, There was supposed to be classical music played in the background . In my Portfolio Work Day 2 : Work statement blog I explained that the reason for this design decision was that "classical music will bring the character back to the real world." I wanted the music to be a grounding subject for both the character and the movie.

This choice was inspired by Black Swan,2010 use of the of ballet Swan Lake’s music. 

But once I started editing it felt too crowded, and it was too difficult to balance the music and the sound effects for the animation. The music took away from the animation which is the focal point of interest in the film.So I have decided that im diverting from the original plan, taking away the music and having more reality to film.

This was a difficult decision to make, and not the one I wanted to make. It went against my vision but throughout this production.This has happened multiple times and every time it happens it becomes easier to let go.To not be scared of leaving plans behind.

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