Saturday, March 23, 2024

The first cut

Im done with my first pass of editing and most of the visual editing too.This edit consists of the final shots that are color corrected and visual effects.alongside a rough set for the title and credits.Which I cant finished editing at this moment because of my plan.

The reason for the existence of this cut is because of the use of animation in my film.Once I start animating on top of the footage, I wont be able to edit the individual footage without the animation.With this in mind I edited most of the film first to make sure it was cohesive and no reason for me to restart animation.

This is one of the reasons for the title and credits not being done, because of the need to cover the outlets on the wall which I got an idea how to do it but that couldn’t be done with the texts on the screen.

Preparation is really important even though it isn’t the most exciting part to do.Getting it done its important, and the planning to set up for the animation will make it easier for my future self.

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